Your vessel’s outboard motor is an important component that requires regular maintenance in order to perform at its best and last as long as possible. If you’re not sure where to start in regards to outboard motor maintenance, worry not! These tips from Clews & Strawbridge have everything you need to know.

Plan Your Routine

With so many different outboard motor maintenance tasks to keep track of, it can be difficult to remember them all. It usually helps to create a set maintenance schedule. Consult your owner’s manual for more information about creating a maintenance schedule, as well as general maintenance advice.

Inspecting your Outboard Motor

Regular inspections are a great way to stay on top of outboard motor maintenance. Be sure to remove your engine’s cowling to get a better look inside the engine. Be on the lookout for signs that your engine is suffering from leakage. Don’t forget to take a look at the oil and spark plugs as well! Oil that appears sludgy/discolored or is full of metal shavings indicates deeper internal issues that should be addressed by a mechanic. Finally, make sure that the fuel line is intact and securely fastened.

Post-Boating Maintenance

After each boating trip, take some time to take care of your outboard motor. These tasks may seem small, but they’ll make a difference when it comes to helping your motor to last longer and perform better. First, rinse and flush your outboard engine after each trip. Water left in your motor tends to lead to corrosion. Don’t forget to put your engine in neutral while it’s pumping out water! You should also unhook the fuel line and allow your motor to use up any excess fuel. This will help to further deter corrosion. Once you’re confident that your engine is fully dried, shut it down and flip the battery switch. 

Shop outboard motors at Clews & Strawbridge in Frazer, Pennsylvania. We’re proud to serve communities like Philadelphia and West Chester, Pennsylvania. We also offer parts ordering, servicing, and financing.