Winter boat fishing can be both challenging and rewarding. As the temperature drops and the water gets colder, certain fishing techniques and equipment become more critical than others in ensuring a safe and successful outing. Here are a few strategies to help you make the most of your winter boat fishing trips. Read on to learn more, and for more information, visit Clews & Strawbridge.

Get the Right Equipment

The temperature on the water can be significantly lower than on land. So, you want to use winter-specific fishing gear on your cold-season fishing trips.

Fishing rods with stiff tips are better suited for cold water. You can also use braided or fluorocarbon lines for their lower stretch factor and better sensitivity in winter. Live baits are also often more effective in the winter—so use minnows or worms to increase your chances of catching fish.

Maintain Your Boat

Next, you want to ensure your fishing boat is ready for your wintertime adventures. It’s a good idea to winterize your vessel’s plumbing system and leave it unused during your trips, stabilize the fuel system and change the oil, and drain your livewell after each trip.

Dress in Layers

The other thing to do is stay warm and dry on your fishing trip.

Wear multiple layers of clothing to trap heat and stay protected against the elements. Ensure you include a waterproof outer layer to remain dry if it rains or sprays.

Pay Attention to the Weather

More importantly, you want to keep tabs on the weather forecast before heading out on the water. If inclement weather conditions are predicted for your area, it may be best to stay ashore.

Prioritize safety on the water and make your fishing trips more fun and memorable. If you have more questions, contact our experts at Clews & Strawbridge. Our dealership is in Frazer, PA, and we proudly serve those from Philadelphia and West Chester—so reach out today.