Having the right features on your fishing boat can help make your marine endeavors more comfortable and successful. Clews & Strawbridge is your local boat dealership in Pennsylvania, and we are well-versed in buying and selling boats. Our experts have created this guide to discuss a few amenities customers prefer on their vessels—so keep reading to learn more. If you have more questions, swing by our dealership, and get our friendly staff to address your concerns.

1. Focus on Having the Right Size and Layout

The right size and layout of your fishing boat can make or mar your experience on the water. Although larger vessels have extra room for equipment and supplies, they are expensive and will need a towing vehicle of sufficient size to haul them to and from the dock. At the same time, a compact model might lack the space you need for your outings.

Determine the size and layout you think will match your requirements, and then explore a few models to see what works. Various space-saving models are available on the market, so keep your options open.

2. T-Top for Shade

We often recommend that our customers install a T-Top on their fishing boats to protect themselves from the harmful sun rays. Exposure to extreme heat for prolonged hours can affect your fishing experience and cause you to fall sick. Conversely, a T-Top can offer you the shade you need during your day-long fishing trips.

3. Consider Entertainment Options

Finally, you want to focus on any entertainment options onboard your vessel that can make your trips more fun and memorable. Radios and sound systems keep you and your friends entertained during your outings. But remember that you will need a vessel with plenty of space to install whatever electronics you need.

Ready to go shopping for fishing boats? Visit Clews & Strawbridge to peruse our selection of vessels from various premium brands. We are in Frazer, PA, but we also serve those from Philadelphia and West Chester—so swing by today.