Bringing your pet for a boat ride can make your outings more fun and memorable. However, you want to prioritize the safety and comfort of your furry friend before planning an excursion. Don’t worry if you are unsure where to begin—we can help!

Clews & Strawbridge is your local boat dealership in Pennsylvania, and we help our customers plan marine adventures all the time. Our experts have created this guide to discuss a few things to consider when boating with your pet. Read on to learn more, and for more information, visit our dealership for a friendly chat with our team.

Plan a Short Trip

First, you want to ensure your pet is comfortable on a boat. Some pets become anxious in an unfamiliar environment and get sick. To avoid this, plan a short trip with your dog or cat to help them familiarize themselves with the surrounding.

Ideally, introduce your pet to the boat while it's docked and let them explore. Once they feel at ease, plan a short cruise, and observe their responses during the outing. If you notice they are relaxed and comfortable, you can increase the duration of your trip.

Ensure Your Pet's Safety

Your pet's safety should be your top priority on the water. Make them wear a well-fitting canine life jacket and an identification tag that can help you find them in case they get lost. Keep a leash handy whenever you dock or anchor, especially in crowded or unfamiliar areas. You also want to keep your pet away from your engine compartment, propeller, and electrical or heating elements.

Bring Extra Food & Water

Another thing to remember when boating with your furry friend is packing their favorite snacks and drinks. Their favorite foods can help them feel happy and less anxious on the water.

You can also involve your pet in a few activities, such as swimming and beachcombing, and create fun memories of your trip. However, be aware of your animal's behavior and well-being, and adjust your plans accordingly.

We hope you find these tips handy when boating with your pet. If you need more ideas or want to upgrade your vessel to the latest model, visit Clews & Strawbridge. We have an impressive collection of boats and can help you select a model that fits your needs. You’ll find us in Frazer, PA, proudly serving those from Philadelphia and West Chester.